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  • Telemedicine: The delivery of healthcare at a distance. Tele-medicine use is rapidly expanding and changing the way physicians practice medicine. Telemedicine patients are often in different locations than the treating physician.
  • Tele-Psychiatry: The delivery of psychiatric services at a distance. The goal of telemedicine, like any type of medical care, is to improve the patient’s health and well-
  • Telemedicine physicians will practice in different geographic locations, and with a variety of communication methods and devices.


  • Via credit cards (HSA/ FSA) Direct check, cash. Please read the payment Policy & contact us before making any appointment and payments.
  • For those with private insurance, a superbill (itemized health care receipt) may be requested for the patient or family to submit.  Many PPO plans may reimburse for labs, a portion of office visits, and medications.
  • Yes! I do provide discounted rates, which depends upon a case-by-case basis.
  • For those seeking regular consultation, ask about our discount. This is a great option for
    patients requiring monthly visits for some reason.
  • Dr. Kaur charges $250 for an initial consultation  which is 60 min long. Follow-up appointments (20-30 min) is $150.
  • We do have a strict No-Show/ late cancelation policy and you will be charged half the
    appointment fee if you are a No-Show and cancel within 12 hours. If you are more than 10
    minutes late for the appointment, you will be considered a No-Show and charged accordingly.
  • Yes, in her private practice office location at 9401 Indian creek Parkway Overland Park, Kansas on Thursdays only with appointment.
  • Unfortunately, due to the reporting, charting, limited coverage for some services, and other requirements for Medicare, Dr. Kaur is unable to see Medicare beneficiaries in this practice location via tele-consultation and or in-person currently.
  • However, you may choose to consult Dr. Kaur at other contracted site/ tele-medicine Platform https://mdlnext.mdlive.com if you are a Medicare beneficiary, please contact MD Live customer services for more information if needed.
  • Dr. Kaur’s private practice Compassionate psychiatry is NOT contracted with any commercial or third-party insurance payers.  Dr. Kaur has established this practice to provide more detailed care, better accessibility visits than are generally available in insurance models.
  • If you have insurance and want to see Dr. Kaur please check out @ https://mdlnext.mdlive.com

No controlled medications are prescribed by Dr. Kaur via Tele-video consultations at any platform. due to federal DEA strict rules and regulations (https://www.dea.gov/).

In Office visit: Her approach and tendencies to prescribe controlled medication are very very limited, she avoids prescribing controlled medications due to controlled use and no recommendation to use for long term.


  • Dr. Kaur can see & prescribe medications via audio -Video consultations in the states of
  • California
  • Missouri
  • Kansas
  • South Dakota
  • Virginia 
  • Wisconsin.
  • Patient MUST be physically present at any of the above state during  consultation. 
  • By choosing to pay privately for psychiatry services, one may find more flexibility, convenience, and privacy.
  • Flexibility: Often in our medical system, we work on diagnoses, and insurance requires a certain level of pathology to qualify for reimbursement. Many patients instead want to work on exploring health, building skills, or having a safe place to process difficult educational, work or family changes. If one would like the focus of visits to be about personal goals and not ones that are dictated by insurance requirements, private pay may be a great option.
  • Convenience: Many insurance companies require that you select a provider that has been approved by them, known as “in-network.” With private pay, the patient regains control of seeking his or her preferred service provider that is compatible to his or her needs, specialty training, and comfort level.
  • Privacy: Last, by choosing to pay privately for services, the patient is electing to seek more confidentiality as private health information is not required to be shared with insurance if not paying for services through them. Some people also choose private pay when they are worried about having a pre-existing condition on their health record which may affect their Job, relationship, and Insurance premiums.

Some psychiatry services are outside of our Practice Scope: due to working limited hours at the location and not having infrastructures to assist urgently.

  • Emergency or crisis situations (suicidal or homicidal thinking, self-harm, or risk of harm to others)
  • Active psychosis (hallucinations or delusions)
  • Substance use in active medical detox
  • Moderate to severe autism spectrum disorders
  • Any acute medical condition or combination of mental health conditions that prohibit the ability to perform normal day-to-day activities.

For emergencies, please use the following resources to get urgent help.

988 Suicide &; Crisis Lifeline
We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.

Click here to contact us and will help you book an appointment.